registration Services

Beez24 offers an assortment of registration services such as company and manufacturing covering your company’s requisites with zero hassle.


Categories for company registration :
  • WFOE (Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) - Set up solely by foreign persons without investors in mainland China. It is a popular form of company registration and needs capital investment and registration from authorities.
  • JV (Joint Venture) - Include the combined investment of both foreign and Chinese parties and are used when foreign individuals wish to join the Chinese market instantaneously by partnering with a Chinese entity.
  • Representative Office -An act of representation for a foreign company in China and is chosen when one wishes to make minimal appearances in China.
  • Private Enterprise - Private enterprises are companies formed by individuals, partnerships, or groups of companies independent from the government.
  • Individually Owned/ Sole Trader - Sole trading is done by a single individual and is a common option exclusive to Chinese nationals.

Under all types of registration, Beez24 aids you in all steps of legally registering your company, including:
  • Approving your company name with the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC) to avoid any possible conflicts.
  • Submitting all required documentaries to the local AIC, which include articles of association, application forms, lease agreements, and identification documents of company representatives.
  • Facilitating the approval from the Ministry of Commerce and Administration of Market Regulation for business licensing.
  • Registering your company with tax and social security authorities.


Categories for trademarking:
  • Goods trademark -Trademarks given to products sold/ manufactured by their owner.
  • Services trademark - Trademarks assigned to services given by their service provider.
  • Collective trademark - Trademark given to a name of a company or association used by its members as a means of indicating their membership in that company.
  • Certification trademark - Trademarks owned by an organization overseeing services and products as an indicator that third-party goods meet all necessary conditions.
Beez24 ensures that your brand name and logos feature the following before being submitted to the Chinese Trademark Office for approval.
  • Brand name/logo availability
  • Brand name/logo distinguishability
  • Brand name/logo free of false advertising
  • Brand name/logo non-usage (for 3D shapes)


Categories for manufacture registration :
  • Food Production License - Issued by China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) to manufacturers and sellers of food items within China.
  • Medical Device Manufacturing License - Issued by National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) to manufacturers of medical devices within China.
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing License - Also issued by NMPA to manufacturers and sellers of pharmaceuticals within China.
  • Industrial Product Manufacturing License - Issued by State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) to manufacturers of electronics and machinery
  • Hazardous Chemicals Production License - Also issued by SAMR to manufacturers of hazardous chemicals.
Regardless of the type, Beez24 gives aid to all proceedings to obtain the manufacturing license you require, guiding you through:
  • Obtaining all necessary documents, including permits and business licenses to obtain your manufacturing license
  • Applying for a manufacturing license from the CFDA, NMPA or SAMR
  • Ensuring your company passes all necessary quality standards and safety regulations required
  • Guiding through the annual renewal of your manufacturing license


The two main types of exporter registrations:
  • General Exporter Registration - Provided to companies exporting goods manufactured in China or goods purchased in China to be resold to other countries. This registration is provided by the Ministry of Commerce for a period of 3 years
  • Processing Trade Exporter Registration - Provided to companies that import raw materials for products that are then exported by the same company for commercial purposes. This registration is provided by the General Administration of Customs for a period of 1 year.

With Beez24, you will guide on taking the necessary steps to obtain your relevant export registration:
  • Guiding you through the application process
  • Educating on the relevant documents needed to obtain registration
  • Ensuring your company meets the rubric of the Ministry of Commerce in qualifying for an exporter’s license 
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